Friday, March 5, 2010

"Winter is Not Forever"

....or so they say :)

My all-time favorite comic strip...because it's so true!
Aren't we all ready for some warm spring weather?
Yesterday it reached the 40's and I even enjoyed picking up
the sticks in our yard and getting dirt on my hands :)

David is back in college this spring, taking Biology and English I.
We are trying to work on scholarships for him, and one
is called "Frame Your Future." So we went up to the FD and
David took pictures of some of the gear.

Wednesday night, we went to Champaign and met Rachel
and Ashley and ate out at Za's Italian Cafe together. It was
delicious! Then we went to Champaign church and to "Shaker"
for a lunch call/singing afterwards.

David's cousins got together for supper and the evening
at Mike and Amber's. The guys played games and the girls talked :)

Candace came to visit me for two days that we both had off work!
We had fun talking, looking at the pictures of her Mexico trip, copying
recipies, making food, going out to eat, and she even helped
me fill nail holes in the woodwork...a very monotonous job!

David cleaning off the light after he installed
it in the office. Ah, light!

David and I went to Champaign Valentines weekend to do
a little shopping for our house (ouch!). Beautiful winter
weather outside!

When I told David to keep the ice skates in the
car, he knew my surprise...after a little shopping,
we went to the U of I ice rink and skated for
a few hours. The exercise felt so good!

Since David is taking an online English class, we decided
to "invest" in a laptop. Here he is trying it out.

Hot wings for supper!

One evening when David was at class, I had LeAnn and
Kinsey over for supper. They told me all about their Mexico trip.

We were invited to the Lehman's pond to ice skate after church
one day. It didn't take long to set up a game of ice hockey!

David sent me a text one day...saying he is now an EMT-Basic!
I had a surprise for him too :)

Zimmerman Christmas was held January 2nd. We had
lots of good food, laughter, and a rollicking set of "lifesize"
Dutch Blitz games!

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