Friday, March 6, 2015

Quotes from a 2 Year Old

When we were staying with Grandpa and Grandma Zimmerman this summer, Orrin woke up early from his nap one day.  I brought him downstairs and rocked him, trying to sing him back to sleep.  I tried to shut the light switch off that was right by my head, but he wimpered, wanting it back on.  After a few more minutes, I thought he was deeply sleeping so I turned the lights off again.  Not even moving or opening his eyes, Orrin said, "Light."  What a great sleeper I have...not!

We went to visit new baby Cole at Troy and April's.  Orrin was in the other room playing with Tristan.  Baby Cole started fussing.  In runs Orrin.  "Baby cryin'!  I'll get it!"

Orrin was supposed to be taking a nap during church one Sunday when we were in Iowa.  Lindsy heard him coughing in the room and then he puked up some of the crud from his lungs.  (He had a bad cold.) When I came into the baby room, he was kneeling on the floor.  He looked up at me.  “I spit it out, mommy!  I spit it out!”  Sooo proud of you :-P

We were just about to land on one of our flights back to Haiti, and Orrin had had enough.  He was throwing a fit and crying.  The plane landed with a lot of noise from slowing the plane down.  Orrin stopped crying and his eyes widened.  "Airplane broken!"

Orrin had gotten the computer taken away and I put it in my room.  He was standing at the bedroom door wailing.  I told him if he didn’t stop crying, he would have to go to his room.  He snuffled and stopped.  “All done cryin’,” he said.

Orrin is a major repeater.  He will repeat ANYTHING a person says, especially if it’s at the end of a sentence.  This story demonstrates….
“Jonah tried to run away from God.”
“Away from God.”
“He was a bad boy.”
“Bad boy.”
“So God sent a big fish to swallow Jonah.”
“Big fish?”
“Just like when Orrin is a bad boy and has to go to his room.”
“Go to his room?”
“And then the whale spit Jonah onto the beach.”
“Onto the beach.  Spit it out!”
“And then Jonah listened to God.  So when Orrin comes out of his room, he needs to obey and listen to mommy.”
“Listen to mommy.”
We’ll see…..

David was lying on the floor playing with Orrin, who was walking over him and stepping on his stomach.  I said, “Orrin, that’s an owie for daddy.  Ask daddy if…”  and I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence of, “if it’s ok to do that.”  He looks down at David.  “Owie??”

Orrin came walking into the living room where David was sitting on the couch.  “David,” he says seriously.  “What time is it?”

Orrin was getting ready for bed.  After books and songs, I prayed with him.  Orrin said, “Jesus gone.”  I said, “Yes, He’s in Heaven with God.  You can talk to Him when you pray.”  “Find a girl,” he replied.  Funny.  What was he thinking??

Orrin woke up around 6:15 in the morning.  I asked him, “Why don’t you sleep in?”  He opened his eyes wide in a shocked expression, held out his hand and said, “I wake up!”  Duh mom!!

One day, after about 37 times of watching the video I took of a helicopter landing, Orrin begged to see it again.  I said no.  He proceeded to go and ask dad.  “Need to watch video!!”  David told him not to ask dad if mom already said no.  Orrin comes running back into the room.  “Need to ask Cassia!  Need to watch helicopter!!”

Things Orrin knows how to say because he lives in Haiti-
Bon jou
Bon swa
`Lectricity’s off! 
Genagator (generator)
The States

Here's a few pictures of what Orrin's been up to lately:

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie! We think of you's often and keep you in our prayers.
    With love~ Nathan & Brooke
