Saturday, December 31, 2016

Worst Pictures of 2016

For every good picture, there are 14,378 fails.  Or at least that's how it seems to me.  Here are some of our worst pictures of the past year.....

Just a little picture of the first ponytail pretty please?

 Just look at the camera, will you?

When you have a great picture all set up and your kids are half-clothed.  So you put clothes on and try to re-make the cute photo op.  Yeah, NEVER works.


After the 22nd attempt, everyone is grumpy.  But by George, we will get this picture, even if it ruins our day....

The sweetest pictures, the trashy backgrounds.

Orrin's photography:

Beautiful finger there bud

 Sometimes the pictures represent less than perfect moments that happened to us:

Prepping to clean up after-supper puke


Remnants of one of the roadblocks we experienced this year.

Ate a little too much dirt....gross!!!

David's burned face after a hot water heater flash


Quality family togetherness

Fighting over dirt...since there's clearly not enough to share....

Even with lots of terrible pics to show for it, 2016 was a good year, we're thankful!  May the blessings of God be on all of us in the new year, and I'm looking forward to seeing our best and goofiest photo ops of 2017!