Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy 25th Birthday, David!!

David's 25th Birthday is tomorrow, so if you think of it, 
send him an email or facebook message, wishing him a happy b-day!
I bought him an ice cream maker (something he's mentioned
he wants weekly since we came to Haiti) :) and he was so excited!

Orrin helped "wrap" daddy's gift by coloring pictures to tape on the box :)

We invited all the other families down to our place last night for 
ice cream and toppings and an evening to celebrate D's birthday.
We made chocolate and vanilla ice cream, and had a toppings bar with
oreos, snickers, peanut butter, cherries, pineapple, mango, chocolate syrup,
crushed up chocolate chip cookies, and sprinkles!!  We also had contributions 
of decorated cupcakes and cookies!  Yum, yum!

David enjoying ice cream and coffee.

We played a few games, like 4 on a Couch, and the girls won  :)
The kids had a blast playing outside in the yard and rolling down our little hill.
I think everyone had a good time :)
Happy Birthday D!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday David! Looks like you had a great party with delicious food & great company!
    Wendy Z
