Saturday, July 18, 2015

Opening the Pediatric Ward

Our census ebbs and flows as does any hospital, but it seems like lately it's finally been getting filled up!  One weekend, all our maternity beds were full and we had more patients come in.  So suddenly we needed to open the Pediatric Ward.  It was so exciting!  We held a small ceremony with a song, prayer, Bible reading, a few small speeches, and a ribbon cutting.  Beds and patients moved in and now things are in full swing!!

Cassia and Dr Guito, the Pediatrician

Cutting the "Ribbon" (duct tape :) )

Moving Beds and Patients

All Settled In!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these recent posts -- very informative, interesting, and encouraging! We are thankful for the progress at the hospital. And you, personally, have a quite ambitious undertaking, going into surgery and anesthesia. We hope that all goes very well. It appears that little Cassia is growing nicely; it will be great to see all of you again...soon! Love and prayers, Marvin and Nancy
