Tuesday, February 16, 2016

May We Bloom

Soon before David and I were engaged, I was talking to someone who had moved when she got married (and so, knowing I may be getting married and moving soon, of course I was all ears to what she was saying).  Over the years, I may have the direct quote wrong, but it went something like this... "The first year you survive, the second you put down roots, and the third, you bloom." 

I feel like there's a lot of truth to that. The first year I kind of wandered around Illinois trying to figure out how to get to the hardware store without a map, and some days the  change from the familiar to the unfamiliar (even in little things like what they called a serving bowl!) was difficult.  Putting down roots took a while, getting to know soooo many new people, starting a new job in a new community... Then there was the day I got a text from one of my new friends announcing the arrival of her baby. It was a small, but oh so normal friend thing to do :) And I realized that things had become really good without me realizing it.

In Haiti, and I think we followed the pattern again.  How long did we take that dictionary to the door whenever there was a knock? And it took so long to be able to figure out basic things again...driving, shopping, locations, friends.  Then we put down roots, made friends, had a baby here, created relationships, began to be able to communicate on more than a 3 year old level.  

In January on Cassia's first birthday, we marked the beginning of our third year here. I'm really hoping the pattern continues and that the "blooming" will come, that the beauty is unfolding. Not that the first things are bad...putting down roots and growing have been good, have been necessary, but I'm ready for it to get "easier."  We ask for your prayers in this coming year... that our relationships, our language, our sense of belonging, our love for others, our understanding of culture and the life situations of those around us, our compassion, our discernment .... will bloom.

1 comment:

  1. Even though the road to adjustment may have its bumps, we believe you are making very good progress! You are blessing many lives as you minister to the needs of the Haitian people. We really enjoyed being with your family at Dumay and Bonne Fin! God bless you.
    Love, Marvin and Nancy
