Sunday, July 31, 2016

Role Transitions

There's been a lot of change around here in the past few months in our little English-speaking circle :)  This spring we said goodbyes to Kirk (medical department intern) and Leah (teacher at the missionary kids' school).  We've been missing their cheerfulness and hard work around here!

Then this past weekend, we said goodbye to Lee and Desma and Chloe, as their time in Haiti came to a close.  Lee's position was Medical Director, Desma was a teacher of the MK's school, and also did a lot of English classes at the local schools.  And Chloe was a really great friend and babysitter to our family.  My heart hurts when I think that she won't just come walking down our hill anymore to hang out with us, push the kids on the swings, exclaim over all the cute things Cass does, give me a hand when I so need it to get through, bake cookies with Orrin, spend the night, or share what's going on in her world right now.

They headed back to the States on Saturday, along with Lucas and Raya's family who was here for three weeks (we had such a great time with them!!), and Sheila who is going on furlough,  but will also be changing responsibilities when she comes back this fall.  With all the leaving, it has been a little concerning about who will fill those roles.  We are really thankful to have Dr Patty come back down long-term to help out on the medical side, and Bob and Sue coming down this fall to teach school!  The past few weeks have been a scramble of activity to try to get all these transitions done, and job duties sorted out.  Unfortunately, all the extra "stuff" going on with the recent problems took away a lot of time that otherwise could have been spent on transitions, but that's just the way it is.

So we go ahead, with our job duties expanded to encompass the things left behind.  For David, that means adding ordering medical supplies, managing campus housing (dorms for nurses, and other staff housing), and other random items to an already long list.  For me, it doesn't look like too much, just coordinating some supplies for the containers, and food distribution to local charities.

Please pray for those who step into new roles, for those moving on as they will have a time of loss and transition too, and for those who the Lord is calling or will call here in the future.  There's lots of "stuff" to do, and may we remember that even with all those things, that being a light for Christ is the most important of all, no matter where we are.