Saturday, February 18, 2017

New Teammates

We are so excited to have some new teammates come to Hospital Lumiere!  Two families with children...even better!  They both moved in the second week of February.

The Nussbaum family is from our home church!  Raya is going to work as a Nurse at the Hospital (super exciting since our Patient Care Manager went back to the States over a year ago).  David is super excited about having Lucas around with his skills as an electrician and in woodworking.  And the kids' ages line up nicely with those of some of the other kids here, so that is an added bonus!

Keith and Kristi have been living in Haiti already, and heard of Hospital Lumiere.  They wondered about the opportunity to come and help us.  Keith is a Nurse Practitioner, and Kristi is a nutritionist and loves to teach.  They have a daughter, Kendall, and are trying to adopt Raphie, who is the same age as Cassia.  We are so glad to have them come and use their talents here!

We had a welcome dinner for the new families at Aberle's last Friday night.  We had a good time together, and got cozy because the outdoor dinner plans got rained out.  The kids had lots of fun playing together! 

 In one week, with the addition of these families and also a short term medical intern, Anna, we went from a group of 17 to a group of 28!  What blessing!  We are so thankful for the Lord's provision of new help to lighten the load, and we pray for their journey's ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures. Thanks for the introductions! We already look forward to our next visit. God be with you all!
