Sunday, June 8, 2014

Updated Prayer Requests

I thought it was about time to send out a little update on our lives and how you can pray specifically for us.

*I think the top of our list is this pregnancy.  Things are a little rough...being sick...having a toddler...being away from home and family and american food :)  Thanks to a LOT of help from David, Madam Ino, and the missionary family here, we are getting through....and counting down the days to week 12 when things should hopefully go better.  I feel like Orrin gets bored a lot of times, with mom sitting around on the couch not feeling good.  His phone addiction was going away, but now has returned with a vengeance.  His mealtimes have been more like standing-up-in-my-highchair times, and then he REALLY wants snacks later on.  It's tough to hold to your guns and say no, you'll eat your lunch first, when you're sick.  But he gets it.  Oh, he gets it :)  Every day I'm amazed at what is going on in that brain of his.  A few examples:

One day I was reading him a flip-tab book called Moses.  I pointed to some pictures and asked him what it was.  Sun.  Baa.  Shoes.  Hat.  Hot (fire).  Bush.  Water.  Neigh (horse).  (Following the story??)  Then I opened the flap with the picture of quail and manna.  I pointed to it and asked him what it was, expecting him to tell me it was a bird.  "Manna," he says, plain as day.  Manna!?  Unreal, child.  Well, I guess he's listening :)

As I said, he's kind of a phone addict.  He really likes mom's phone with a few games to play.  But he's taken to pretty much running it.  I have to put it in airplane mode so he won't call Daddy all day long.  Well yesterday morning, he was running around with the phone, and comes into the room where I am.  He's chattering away and I hear the phone hang up on the other end.  I look and he had taken the phone off of airplane mode and somehow picked Grandpa and Grandma Zimmerman's home number and probably gave them a wake up call :(  Oh dear.

So...please pray for return of health for me, for the health of Baby Z, for extra grace for David for his extra work these days, and for both of us as we continue to try to teach and train Orrin...because he's not stopping learning during this time!!

*Another big prayer request regards our service in Haiti.  As our six months as interns is quickly coming to an end, we have been having conversations regarding our future and the future of the work here at Hospital Lumiere.  The Facilities Director position (which David has been working under) will be coming open the beginning of 2015 as Bro Daryl and Sis Norma Luginbuhl plan to complete their two years of service then and return home.  David officially applied for this position a few weeks ago.  We have a few interviews to do in order to complete the application process, and the plan is for us to come home for a few months this summer to do this.  At this point, we are ok with it going either way....staying longer or coming home.  We plan for the future as though we will be coming back to Haiti, but we want above all that the Lord's will be done and that He choose the path of our lives.  At this point, Orrin and I plan to come home June 24, with David following around July 16, Lordwilling.  Please pray for us and the mission that the Lord would make very clear what His will is.  Also that we can have wisdom regarding making plans for the future.  And for safe travels in the coming weeks.

*In light of David possibly taking the Facilities position, he has been doing some extra work along side Daryl.  One of Daryl's big jobs is planning remodel and new construction projects for the campus.  He leads construction work teams as part of that.  There is a team that plans to come in on Saturday from Detroit, and they plan to build some church benches and do some other projects.  David is supposed to lead this team, with Daryl here to help out where David has questions.  Please pray for the work team, that things will go smoothly and that they will be blessed by their time in Haiti.  Also that David will have extra wisdom and grace through the week.

Thanks so much for your support through these months.  We love all you back home, and look forward to again seeing you face to face!!

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